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Brushed vs. brushless DC motors

Which commutation system is better?
Angelica Perzan
Angelica Perzan Sales Engineer

The docking system for safe space rendezvous

The European Space Agency (ESA) is working on a new system to enable easy docking between two spacecraft.

Enchanted Tools is revolutionizing robotics with its Mirokai

How can we fully integrate robots into our daily lives in the near future? This challenge is currently being addressed by French startup Enchanted Tools. Founded by Jérôme Monceaux, who had already helped create the robots Pepper and Nao, Enchanted Tools recently unveiled Miroki, the prototype of a new generation of humanoid robots that are both wondrous and useful.
Power density in robotics - a question of torque
Expert Blog

Power density in robotics - a question of torque

Inspection robots for pipes and ducts, rescue robots in disaster areas, or humanoid robots – they all have one thing in common: They are mobile robots that aid humans. We explain some of their requirements for drive technology in detail.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

On the efficiency of drive components

maxon expert Urs Kafader shares his knowledge.
Urs Kafader
Urs Kafader Head of Training at maxon
maxon drives on the Red Planet

maxon drives on the Red Planet

More than 100 electric motors from maxon have been used on the Red Planet. From Sojourner to the new Perseverance rover - the key to success is the same.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

On the heating of motors in hand-held tools

Motors operated at the rated torque limit can get very hot. But there are ways to avoid that.
Urs Kafader
Urs Kafader Head of Training at maxon

High-altitude wind energy from kites

A Dutch team is currently changing an entire industry. With a new method to make use of wind energy.

Engineered to the last pour

Where motion is the key to a great cup of coffee, duplicating the precision and reliability of the motion of a person’s hand, wrist, and elbow require a unique robotic design.

Challenges for the packaging industry

The packaging world needs solutions that offer greater profitability and meet environmental requirements.
Smart Floating Arms

Smart Floating Arms

They move like snakes and reach places that are too narrow or dangerous for humans. The robust robotic arms of the Tokyo-based company HiBot take inspection, maintenance and repair to new levels.

Water jet technology for wound healing

All over the world, people suffer from chronic wounds due to diabetes and other causes. A new micro water jet technology promises improved treatment.

Free-flying camera robot supports astronauts on the ISS

Meet a new colleague for the crew of the International Space Station (ISS): an autonomous camera drone.
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

Active rear wheel steering

A formula student team from Germany wants to improve the handling and the overall driving stability of their race car.
One wheelchair for all situations
Young Engineers Program

One wheelchair for all situations

Students at the ETHZ have developed a wheelchair that can climb stairs. Is this the future means of transport for persons with walking disabilities?
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