Three balls on round discs rotate noiselessly around an axis. It’s no coincidence that the work “Beyond Time” by Taiwanese artist Chen Hsiangfu reminds you of the orbits of celestial bodies. The flagship store of Taiwanese airline Starlux Airlines in the capital Taipei, for which the artist created the kinetic installation, exudes an extraterrestrial atmosphere throughout its design. Space, time, and technology are important themes for Chen Hsiangfu.

“Beyond Time” presents time as a cognitive order that gives people orientation in the face of the inexplicability of their existence. At the same time, the balls rotating at different speeds symbolize the individual perception of time, which sometimes seems to moves faster, sometimes slower. Since the artwork was designed for the interior of a commercial premises, it had to meet strict requirements. The motors for the turning mechanism must run at a low speed (2 revolutions per minute), with low torque (2 Nm), and as quietly as possible (below 25 decibels). They need to do this over a long period – eight hours a day, five days a week. They should also require very little maintenance.
maxon sets art in motion
The maxon online shop had the solution. The three turntables were each equipped with three brushless EC 32 flat motors. “Everything went perfectly,” explains Chen Hsiangfu. “The small motors were the right size and were in stock. That’s the only reason why we were able to keep to the tight schedule.” The artist’s team was particularly impressed by the user-friendly search function in the maxon online shop. It gives customers quick and easy access to all necessary product information. However, it’s even easier to contact the local experts directly. “maxon was extremely helpful and assisted us in finding the required products at short notice,” emphasizes Chen Hsiangfu. Finally, all the parts were assembled, the motors were activated, and everyone involved in the project waited with baited breath ... it worked! All of the calculations and the selected components had been correct. It was an emotional moment.

Chen Hsiangfu (33) born in Taipei, Taiwan, deals with the themes of space, technology, and societal issues in her works. Transforming our daily life experiences into kinetic installations, she captures the primitive emotions of human nature.

The safety requirements for the work were strict. Above all, the installed motors had to run as quietly as possible.
STAYING POWER EC 32 flat motor Eight hours a day, five days a week: The three low-noise EC 32 flat motors used in the installation deliver low speed and torque to provide a perfect turning mechanism.
You can admire Chen Hsiangfu’s works of art on:
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