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Back on her own two feet

Paraplegics can learn to walk again through intensive training. To achieve this, they need strong will, time, and modern robotic mobilization equipment.
Competition of the bionic athletes

Competition of the bionic athletes

At the first Cybathlon games, teams from all over the world showed how advanced prosthetics and assistive technology has become.

Brave new underwater world

Inside the Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen.
Guest Blog
Guest Blog

1-Q vs. 4-Q controllers

Often times, customers will come to us asking for guidance on what type of controller they need for their application, and one of the many factors things to consider when recommending a controller would be whether it is a 1Q or a 4Q controller.
Maxon Inside
Maxon Inside

Putting motors to the test

maxon motor has an in-house development laboratory where motors and gearheads are subjected to harsh testing.
One wheelchair for all situations
Young Engineers Program

One wheelchair for all situations

Students at the ETHZ have developed a wheelchair that can climb stairs. Is this the future means of transport for persons with walking disabilities?
Maxon Inside
Maxon Inside

The right controller for your motor

"Precise control engineering is the prerequisite for robotics and automation", says Daniel Hug, Product Manager for Electronics and Systems Technology.