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“The transition to brushless dc motors was key"

Samir Bouabdallah is an expert in drone technology and founder of an exciting startup. How will the drone market develop, in his opinion, and what is required of the motors in the flying robots?
Smart Floating Arms

Smart Floating Arms

They move like snakes and reach places that are too narrow or dangerous for humans. The robust robotic arms of the Tokyo-based company HiBot take inspection, maintenance and repair to new levels.

These robots crawl into every nook and cranny

It started as a project by two engineers who were close to retirement. Today, the modular inspection robots by Canadian company Inuktun are successfully in use all over the world.

Flybotix : Challenges and Advancements in Drone Technology

Drone technology continues to advance depending on specific applications. For this article, we’ll be looking at compact drones used in a variety of applications that need continuous and autonomous inspection of chimneys, shafts, and tanks.

Helping hands

It’s important to have people who are there to help others in an emergency, but state-of-the-art technology can play a vital role too. For success in rescue operations, humans and machines must form a powerful duo. We join a search for missing persons with the Swiss Alpine Rescue team from the Engelberg rescue station.

Robotic companion

Remote offshore installations, dusty mines, dirty sewers: environments made by people for people. Yet operating them is dangerous. The solution? The robotic dog from ANYbotics, which can carry out inspections autonomously. We went to Zurich to visit one of the biggest robotics teams in Europe.

When to choose a 4pole DC motor ?

Selecting a DC micromotor for use in applications from aerospace through to downhole drilling inspection, a 4pole motor has advantages. A 4pole design is stronger than a 2pole equivalent but can also fit within the same space and weight envelope. Greg Dutfield of maxon UK explains.
maxon supplies automatic filter changer for super telescope

maxon supplies automatic filter changer for super telescope

maxon has been selected to supply the optical filter changer system for what will soon be the largest wide field telescope in the world.

A revolution in concealed threat detection

Radio Physics Solutions (RPS) is a small technology company based on the outskirts of Cambridge, UK. This unassuming company works on leading-edge surveillance technology and has already won several awards.
Hidden resources

Hidden resources

The surface of the ocean conceals many secrets – unexplored depths and precious resources. To find resources, a Norwegian company has developed a technology for scanning the bottom of the ocean in greater detail.

maxon Underwater

Robotic pipe crawlers reaching the unreachable, discover the video.

A strong impression

Hardness testers are used to check whether materials have the desired characteristics. These days, this is done in a fully automated, networked process.

driven pays a visit to the robot on four legs

Wherever it goes, it is sure to attract attention. The red walking robot ANYmal provokes a reaction, which is why it also made it to the cover of the maxon magazine driven – representing the ever-increasing number of inspection robots worldwide.

200 times faster subsea inspection with the goddess of the deep

From oil & gas installations to submarines, structures operating in deep sea conditions need regular inspection. Remote operated vehicles (ROVs) make this process much safer and less expensive, and they rely on scanning technology, which is crucial to data collection. Precise motion control is helping a new subsea inspection device achieve highly accurate inspection with the fastest-yet speeds of data collection.