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In search of a lost veteran

Researchers finally found a long lost submarine wreck – with the aid of an underwater robot.
Be polite to machines!
Guest Blog

Be polite to machines!

Machines refuse to serve people who treat them rudely. Prof. Dr. Birger P. Priddat about robots and machines, especially about artificial intelligence (AI), which is increasingly being incorporated in machines and is constantly becoming more advanced.
31 Million
robots helping in households worldwide by 2019, a report by the International Federation of Robotics says.
Hidden resources

Hidden resources

The surface of the ocean conceals many secrets – unexplored depths and precious resources. To find resources, a Norwegian company has developed a technology for scanning the bottom of the ocean in greater detail.
1939 First appearance
The first humanoid robot was presented in 1939. Elektro could speak 700 words and was seven feet tall.

The lifesaver

There are some situations where we wouldn’t mind being replaced by a robot.

This arm lends a strong hand

A collaborative robot takes care of the heavy lifting.
Europe is searching for life on Mars

Europe is searching for life on Mars

Was there once life on Mars? Or does it perhaps still exist under the surface? The ExoMars rover may hold the key to solving this great puzzle.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Axis coordination: Balancing modularization and integration

Learn more about finding the right balance between modularization and coordination.
Urs Kafader
Urs Kafader Head of Training at maxon
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

Omnidirectional robot for the Eurobot Contest

A team at ISAE-SUPAERO, the French graduate school for aerospace engineering, is developing a robot with three omnidirectional wheels to compete for the Eurobot Contest 2017.

On the road with the mechanical herd

A German artist group made moving mechanical animals from used bicycles. Now they are traveling throughout Europe with a herd of them.
Maxon Inside
Maxon Inside

Taking a closer look at blood

High-tech machines analyze human blood samples, detect coagulation disorders and thus help to save lives.
Twenty-twenty vision

Twenty-twenty vision

While robotic assistance systems are available for most types of surgery today, eye surgery used to be an exception. A Dutch company has changed that.

Playing with water

A look at maxon Germany, where engineers work on complex solutions for gigantic water shows.
Competition of the bionic athletes

Competition of the bionic athletes

At the first Cybathlon games, teams from all over the world showed how advanced prosthetics and assistive technology has become.
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