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Europe is searching for life on Mars

Europe is searching for life on Mars

Was there once life on Mars? Or does it perhaps still exist under the surface? The ExoMars rover may hold the key to solving this great puzzle.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Develop a controller on your own?

Developing a controller for your application may seem like an easy thing to do and a cost effective option. But is it?
Juergen Wagenbach
Juergen Wagenbach Motion Control Specialist

The future of farming

Whether in the field, in the barn, or in the greenhouse, robots and drones already handle a lot of tasks. Here’s what they can do.

Exoskeleton Provides Safe Walking Assistance

Graduate students at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) have developed an improved exoskeleton design using maxon brushless DC motors and motor controllers.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Encoder Selection - part two: Positioning systems

Urs Kafader on how to choose the right encoder for your application.
Urs Kafader
Urs Kafader Head of Training at maxon

Training robots revolutionize therapy

When two Swiss robotics engineers developed a new computer-controlled leg press, that was surprisingly effective in the rehabilitation therapy.
The organic express of Lausanne

The organic express of Lausanne

The bikers of Plateforme Bio Lokal supply fresh organic vegetables to restaurants and bars – quickly and emissionfree. Even 200 kg of potatoes do not faze them.
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

Blazing the trail for flying robots

As part of a focus project at ETH Zurich, eight Bachelor students built a flying manipulator that can hover in any orientation and grasp objects. The drone is even more maneuverable than a quadrocopter and has been designed with the aim of pushing aerial robotics to new heights.

A servo control kit for engineers and students

Two leading names in motor control work together to ease development challenges for engineers and students. They jointly created a plug-and-play servo control development kit for drives, robotics and automation.
Me and the machine

Me and the machine

Paralyzed people can learn to walk again with the aid of electromechanical exoskeletons. However, it’s not easy. It takes a lot of engineering and hard training.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Challenge us!

Electrical engineer Felix Herger on environmental simulations to test the robustness of drive systems.
Felix Herger
Felix Herger Sales Manager
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

Engineers revolutionize the helicopter landing system

Helicopters hit their limits when faced with steep or uneven terrain. A group of engineering students aims to make this a thing of the past.

Lightweight Robotic Arms and Gripper for Harsh Environments

Blueprint Lab designs and manufactures products that operate in the harsh environment of the ocean floor. Since time is a crucial factor in the design process, the engineers configure their motors and gears online.
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

A robot inspired by worms

Five young engineers want to take a sewer rehabilitation robot to the market—with a new approach, inspired by nature.

Can DC motors be used at high temperatures?

Those familiar with the maxon catalog and technical specifications will have noticed that maximum ambient and winding temperatures are specified for our motors. Why is this?
Andrew Gibson
Andrew Gibson Sales Engineer
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