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Hope for cardiac patients

Intra-aortic pump powered by miniature brushless DC motors provides heart failure patients an aid to help hearts rest and heal.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Delta vs Y Winding Arrangements

Although, the winding arrangement does not play a pivotal role in one’s motor selection, it is valuable information to be aware of.
Angelica Perzan
Angelica Perzan Sales Engineer

Playing with water

A look at maxon Germany, where engineers work on complex solutions for gigantic water shows.

Webinar: Agriculture 4.0 and drive technology

Watch this webinar to discover how maxon drives are being used in the fourth agricultural revolution.

«A fantastic Feeling»

Zurich-based startup MyoSwiss has developed a lightweight exoskeleton that works like an e-bike for the legs. It assists the wearer’s movements with electronic reinforcement.

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

The goal of one company is in the building of a single-person, remotely piloted electric aircraft with the goal of making air taxis affordable and eco-conscious.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Inked by maxon

Felix Herger on why many tattoo machine manufacturers want DC motors from Switzerland.
Felix Herger
Felix Herger Sales Manager

In search of signs of life on Mars

Mars once had liquid water and an atmosphere—was there life too? To answer this fundamental question, NASA has sent the Perseverance rover, a robot of unparalleled complexity.

Revival Bionics revolutionizes bionic prosthetics.

Compensating fully for disability: this is the mission of Revival Bionics. Created in 2021 after 2 years of work, this start-up develops cutting-edge technologies in biomechatronics, in order to reproduce walking for people with amputated or paralyzed lower limbs.
Expert Blog
Expert Blog

Why robots were the actual winners at the Winter Olympics

Jessica Kang about a robot that was given a special honour at the Games in South Korea.
Jessica Kang
Jessica Kang Sales Engineer
maxon takes to the air
Maxon Inside

maxon takes to the air

The drive system specialist is making inroads into the new UAV market, where the reliability and quality of components are becoming more important.

Technology designed for the well-being of children

54% of children with cerebral palsy can walk unaided, 16% require special devices to walk, and 30% are not able to walk at the age of five. To address this situation, a team of research professors at Junia has been working for several years on the European research project MOTION, to create an exoskeleton for children with cerebral palsy who cannot walk.
Young Engineers Program
Young Engineers Program

Robot Club goes Eurobot

The Robot Club Rapperswil has designed an autonomous robot for competing at the Eurobot Championship.
Extraordinarily commonplace

Extraordinarily commonplace

Although we rarely notice them, electrical drives are everywhere around us – at home, on our commute, at work, and even when we grab a kebab for lunch.

Customizations to standard motors for space

Through a combination of standard industrial motors and creative collaboration, technology-forward customizations are made to allow high-precision, long-life motors to make it to Mars and beyond.
Robin Phillips
Robin Phillips Aerospace Specialist
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